Vintage ‘gay’ ads

Remember when the word ‘gay’ meant happy?  I do, because as a child I had books and heard songs about “happy and gay” straight people.  I’m sure today’s younger genearation is only aware of the homosexual connotation, which is totally fine… but they would probably find the following ads a tad bit puzzling:

I had no idea becoming gay was as easy as taking Ovaltine!

Just take Ovaltine at bedtime and wake up... gay

....or taking Midol!

Midol takes away periodic pain and makes you gay. Not bad!

Gee, you really didn't have to...

Gee, you really didn't have to...


I want a gay home. I really do.

Gay Johnny looks a little sad today...

Gay Johnny looks a little sad today...

He should ditch Texas and go on a Gay cruise.

He should ditch Texas and go on a Gay cruise.

Totally adorable potential Pride parade souvenirs

Totally adorable potential Pride parade souvenirs

Now these following ads don’t have the word ‘gay’ in them, but I think they were targeting the demographic. 

It's so much fun being in the army!

It's so much fun being in the army!

The short lived "buddy" of Ken, Allan

I guess Barbie got rid of him -- Allan, the erstwhile "buddy" of Ken.

         Disclaimer(as of June 2010):  Turns out the ad below is a parody of an original vintage ad by Jantzen.  Sorry!

My favorite ad - you just have to do a double-take.  Lure him away from the poolboy?!

My favorite ad - you just have to do a double-take. Lure him away from the poolboy?! Peek-a-boo trunks?!

For more vintage gay ads, click HERE

6 responses to “Vintage ‘gay’ ads

  1. I better get bobby a pair of those peek-a-boo trunks. sexy!

    • Vern, I love Bobby but did you have to make me mental picture him in red peek-a-boo trunks? I won’t be able to make eye contact with him anymore : O

  2. arkifacultyclub

    promising site. i love your content.

  3. I’m pretty sure the final ad(poolboy) is a fake. There are originals available on ebay and, while the picture is the same, the ad copy is totally different.

    • Oh wow, you’re right! I just google’d it now and it turns out it was a parody of a vintage Jantzen ad by someone on flickr. Really sorry about that, had no idea as it was just sent to me by a friend. Thanks for letting me know!

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